Jumat, 25 November 2011

Bronchitis (Lung Wet) & Bronchiolitis | clothing baby clothes

Acute bronchitis - or also known as Wet Lungs - is a medical disorder that occurs when the bronchial tract in the lungs submerged in water. Bronchial channels will then swell and produce mucus, which causes coughing.

This disease often occur after an upper respiratory infection (ARI), such as colds. Most of the acute bronchitis symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, etc. usually last up to 2 weeks, but the cough can persist for up to 8 weeks in some cases.

bronchiolitisBronchitis chronic bronchitis and can last in a long time and usually affects smokers. People who suffer from bronchitis usually will continue to cough up phlegm for 3 months each year, for 2 consecutive years. If you or your family been diagnosed with this disease, then you should visit a specialist for further review.

This type of lung infection that should be known by the old stamps is bronchiolitis. Babies can be attacked by disease bronchiolitis (an infection caused by viruses) that can block the windpipe so it needs to be treated.

Causes of Bronchitis

     Some types of viruses, including: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Adenovirus, Influenza and Parainfluenza
     Bacteria, in rare cases
     Pollutants (chemicals contained in the air)

Signs and Symptoms of Bronchitis

  1.      Cough with phlegm (on the first days of cough may be dry)
  2.      Pain in chest
  3.      fatigue
  4.      Mild headache
  5.      Pains in the body
  6.      fever
  7.      watery eyes
  8.      sore throat

Consult a doctor if your child has:

  1.      high heat
  2.      Fever and cough with phlegm is very thick or even contain blood
  3.      Chronic problems in the heart or lungs
  4.      Shortness of breath, or breathing shallowly
  5.      The symptoms of bronchitis on top of more than 3 weeks
  6.      Always have contracted bronchitis / bronchiolitis

If you have a baby less than 3 months and terkenan fever, it is wise to check with your doctor.

Later the doctor that will determine whether your child exposed to acute bronchitis, chronic bronchiolitis, or possibly infection upper respiratory tract (ARI) others. After that appropriate treatment will be determined.

When Antibiotics Needed?
For the case of bronchitis, antibiotics would be very rarely needed, because of acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis is almost always caused by a virus. As for chronic bronchitis require more intensive therapy than the mere consumption of antibiotics.
However, if your child is diagnosed with other respiratory diseases such as pneumonia or Pertussis, maybe your doctor will merespkan antibiotics.
Antibiotics will not help to bronchitis caused by a virus or air pollution (such as cigarette smoke). Remember, taking antibiotics when not needed it will be very dangerous for your health and your family.How to Prevent Acute Bronchitis?

  •     Avoid smoking, especially sharing a cigarette with a lot of people
  •     Keep your hand hygiene
  •     Immunization

Bronchiolitis usually affects children under the age of 2 years, particularly infants aged 3-6 months. The main cause is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and sometimes can also be caused by viruses such as Adenovirus, Influenza and Parainfluenza.
This virus can move from one person to another, either through direct contact with nasal secretions, or through the polluted air. Although RSV would only cause mild in adults, but not so in baby you know!The risk of bronchiolitis will increase if there are the following factors in infants:

  •     Often being around smokers
  •     Infants aged less than 6 months
  •     Living in a densely populated neighborhood
  •     Less consumption of milk
  •     Premature Birth

Symptoms of Bronchiolitis

  •     Usually starts with upper respiratory infections (ARI) mild
  •     Within 2-3 days can be more severe cough accompanied hissing
  •     Baby's breath wheezing
  •     Infant looks panicked and agitated
  •     In severe cases, the baby will turn blue and this is an emergency situation
  •     Baby's nostrils will look bigger every time you draw breath
  •     The muscles between the ribs would be interested in each breath

Therapy That Can Help

  •     Patting the baby's chest
  •     Consumption of sufficient fluids, in addition to breast milk, for babies over 6 months you can give a warm lemon water or warm apple juice
  •     Inhaling steam can help liquefy thick mucus that can cause your baby to choke. You can use the tool for this kind of Humidifier
  •     Get plenty of rest
  •     Do not let anyone smoke near your baby

Usually these symptoms will decrease within 1 week and difficulty breathing will be reduced within 3 days. Infant mortality from the disease less than 1%.When You Should Call Medical Workers?
Contact medical personnel if babies are exposed to bronchiolitis:

  1.     Wilt
  2.     Skin, nails, or lips turn blue
  3.     Breathing with frequent and short of breath
  4.     Exposed to cold that suddenly worsens
  5.     Difficulty in breathing
  6.     Nostrils dilated and her ribs are interested in any breathing muscles
clothing baby clothes,clothing baby clothes,
Finally, the disease is actually relatively easy to prevent, as long as you and your family maintain hygienic living environment you ...

Kamis, 24 November 2011

Educating Babies and Toddlers | clothings baby

Avoid shouted at the Learning Medium Small Talk
Learning to speak a part of a child's growth. Even since a baby inside the womb, in fact he has undergone a process to learn to talk. For that, especially for a mother, there are things that need to be taken to ensure that the baby could someday have a good speech.
Besides giving a nutritious food and beverages, the mothers also need to take some attitude when your child starts learning to talk. Patience and ketaletenan so necessary in the face of a child who is just learning to talk.

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Engineered Equipment Tips Choosing Baby Clothes, Baby Shoes, and Baby Hats

The presence of a tiny baby in the middle of the family of course being the most beautiful gift for any couple, especially for those who are newly married. All purposes and needs of the baby is definitely going to try to be met. Choosing baby equipment such as clothes, shoes and hats are not as easy as selecting equipment that children growing up. Baby's skin is still soft, very risky to some particular material. Therefore you should be more selective in choosing baby equipment is needed.
Here are some guidelines in choosing baby equipment:
Baby clothes
Choosing baby clothes is sometimes not easy. As a parent, you certainly want to see the baby look beautiful with a particular model, but not necessarily comfortable clothes that are selected will be subject to the baby. For that, in choosing baby clothes you need to be more selective and look at it from different angles, from the model, color and comfort.
Tips on choosing baby clothes:
* Choose the size that fits with the baby's body. Infant whose body was bigger it would be difficult to move when wearing narrow.
* Adjust ingredients to suit the climate and weather. To place a tropical climate, choose baby clothes from a material that easily absorbs sweat and subtle, such as cotton or jersey. While in cold climates, choose clothes that are made from slightly thicker but still soft and comfortable.
* Avoid clothing from synthetic materials like polyester because it does not absorb sweat so that it can cause skin rashes.
* Ensuring the function rather than a model. Choose clothes that are simple and in accordance with the bodies of babies who are small so as not to impede their activities.
* Avoid choosing a shirt or pants that are too long when your baby can crawl, so the baby is more flexible in beraktvitas.
* Note the position of the label clothes. The position is a good label that is located far away from baby's skin, for example, in addition to the outside of clothes. This is to avoid the baby's skin from blisters and irritation of the skin
* Do not choose a dress with lots of accessories, such as lace, rope, ribbon, beads or sequins. In addition to make it uncomfortable, often chewed the baby clothes. Clothes with wrinkles (Smock) in the chest, should also be avoided because it is too tight and can be smothering the baby.
* Avoid collars that are too narrow and thick, as it will make the baby feel uncomfortable and difficult to move.
* Avoid using elastic rubber, because it has a strong adhesion. We recommend using rubber thread is more gentle adhesive power.
* Do not pick the baby clothes that buttoned from the metal material (iron). Therefore, the iron can rust, and when the baby starts rubbing and hand enter the rust was carried.
* Wash clothes in advance of newly purchased to be more gentle when in use and the infant is protected from dirt.
Generally, babies need shoes of before he can tread the floor. Shoes that are more shaped like a sock that serves to warm the feet as well as accessories to enhance your baby's feet.
By the time children start learning to walk, shoes more serves to protect the feet from sharp objects, dirt, and so on. But if your child goes in the house clean and safe, let him walk barefoot so she can learn to recognize objects that touched his feet.
Tips on choosing baby shoes:
* Choose shoes with cushioned insoles and textured. This is to avoid so that your child is not easily slip.
* Buffer padded soles and arch. Curved section at the soles of her feet propped up so well.
* Flexibility of shoe material also needs to consider more flexible so that his feet when walking. To try flexing, you can bend the shoe.
* Choose shoes that are made from strong, lightweight and not too thin. This is useful to protect his feet and made tracks are not inhibited.
* We recommend the top of the shoe was made of plastic because it prevents evaporation. Choose fabric for air to enter.
* Avoid tapered or narrowed end, because it can make the motion of his fingers inhibited.
* Try to keep the size of the shoe is not narrow and not too loose. Because the child's foot bones have not fully formed until he was 6 years old. Should the distance between the shoe with the tip of the longest toe shoes about 2 cm so convenient to use the little guy.
* The growth of a child's feet are very fast. Ideally, three times a year you have to buy new shoes for the little guy
* Use sock if necessary
Baby Hats
Hat are the baby supplies that are not less important. For newborn hat is useful to prevent the expenditure of heat, because spending more heat from the head. Hats are also very useful if the weather is cold or when the baby wants to be invited out of the house.
Tips on choosing a baby's cap:
We recommend that infants at the age cap is applied first 2 weeks after birth. Hat which now comes with a variety of colors, shapes can also add your little baby looks cute.

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Development of the baby 5 Months

At this stage the baby will usually have to experiment to create different sounds by using a tongue and her tiny lips. He is studying the sounds she could make anything and this is actually the beginning of language ability. Do not be bored so that the little-ngulang obtaining repeat the same sound or sound ...For most babies, at this time also they first make a sound when you laugh! Try to respond every time your baby laugh or speak with his mouth. In this way he will be eager to continue trying to communicate with you. In fact, do not be surprised if it turns out the little ones can make a sound or different sounds to tell you that he was hungry, tired, or just want to play.

With regard to physical development, many babies at this stage who really like to be enforced in a sitting position. For the first time, chances are he will sit by leaning forward and leaning on his hand. His back will look curved. To fix this, you can be propped on the pillow, or into your body. If you condition her in a sitting position, your baby will get stronger and stable every day.
At this stage, you can also introduce billed cups (sippy cup) to your baby. Look for glasses that have two handles, to make it easy to drink. At first, of course will drink more water than is spilled into his mouth, but not why ... it's a process. He also probably be happy slammed and banged his glass on the floor or table, because they liked the sound it produces.

Development of Infants 0-4 Months

To find out whether your baby is born in good health, you can read in "The Birth of Healthy Babies". Furthermore, following the development of normal infants from the age of 0-4 months ...
Do not panic if the baby's back or bottom there is a blue leather like black, or grayish. These patches usually disappear after age 1 year through.
Do not panic too if your baby's head shape is less symmetrical, because he had just gone through the narrow streets, the hips of the mother. His eyes may seem a little swollen, her nose is still very flat and ears look a bit odd. He will continue to "improve" her appearance really ...
Even in some babies, you can see the soft part at the top of his head throbbed. It still includes normal.

how to massage (pijat) a baby | Clothes

Who says baby massage is an ancient custom? It turns out that baby massage is very beneficial for a tiny little newborn into this world.
Premature babies who were massaged regularly every day show that physical and emotional development of better than babies who are not massaged. Besides weight premature infants who massaged will experience an increase in body weight compared to 20 to 40 percent who are not massaged.
And this has been proven by experts at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Miami in 1986. Led by Tiffany M Field PhD.In addition, he said, the babies who were massaged for five days, his endurance will be increased by 40 percent compared to babies who are not massaged.Infant massage was not only affects the physical and emotional growth of infants. If done by a father for example, then that baby massage can increase milk production (Mother's Milk) on the body of the mother and father called''empowerment,''. But how to explain?
when an initiative to massage the baby's father, it will lead to positive feelings on his wife. Initiative husband makes the wife feel loved, comfortable, and other positive feelings. And feeling like this will stimulate the production of the hormone oxytocin. To note, this hormone is very useful to facilitate the production of milk. Research shows, 80 percent of the production of the hormone oxytocin is affected by the psychological condition of the mother.

Senin, 21 November 2011

effect of music in childrenthe same website | clothing baby clothes

pengaruh musik pada anakResearch shows that music, especially classical music greatly influenced the development of IQ (Intelligent Quotien) and EQ (Emotional Quotien). A child who from childhood accustomed to listening to music will be more developed emotional intelligence and intelligence compared with children who rarely listen to music. The meaning of the music here is music that has a regular rhythm and the tones are organized, rather than oblique tones. Level of discipline of children who frequently listen to music is also better than children who rarely listen to music.

tips choosing your child and baby clothes | clothing baby clothes

Choosing clothes or baby clothes for your children, especially infants who still had to be careful. Because the baby's skin is very sensitive. One vote material or clothing can be a problem later on. Baby's skin is easy to absorb substances that attach to the surface of the skin. Hazardous substances can be found on the clothes he wore.

Choosing clothes or baby clothes for your children, especially infants who still had to be careful. Because the baby's skin is very sensitive. One vote material or clothing can be a problem later on. Baby's skin is easy to absorb substances that attach to the surface of the skin. Hazardous substances can be found on the clothes he wore.

Jumat, 18 November 2011

baby sign tired, swelter and chills | clothes baby

DEALING a baby, parents are often confused and miserable. Because the baby can not express what he feels or what he wants with the language we understand. They can only cry or be fussy. As a result, if the baby was crying and did not wet his diaper, so we suspect she's hungry or just plain spoiled. Though not necessarily, lo. He could have cried with cold, swelter, or fatigue.

As acknowledged dr. Anna Tjandrajani, Sp.A. of RSAB Hope Kita, Jakarta, indeed not many people know the features of a baby cold, swelter, or fatigue. "However, if we know its characteristics, then it's easy, lo, detect it." For that, he was willing to reveal the "secret" to us.
BABY swelter

We also often incorrectly detect the child's body temperature increases. Suspected illness, not just him swelter. As for the cause of children swelter, according to Anna is more influenced environmental factors such as lack of ventilation, the weather outside is hot, cramped room or the light coming into the room too much.

  1. Children began to fidget.
  2. Child's skin began to redden or melegam than before.
  3. Sweating, either in forehead, head, and armpits. His clothes were also wet.
  4. The skin on other parts of her body dry.
  5. Her lips were too dry.

baby you should you sleep in conjunction ranjang? | clothing baby clothes

If the baby is sleeping in her own bed or single bed with you? There are several arguments from both sides of this.
  1. It will be easy in maintenance, because the mother does not need to get out of bed to feed baby  
  2. Many of the mothers said that the baby can sleep better - if he woke up he would feel more comfortable with the presence and maternal warmth and will soon fall a sleep again
  3. You could probably get more sleep

tips on buying baby clothes | dress baby clothes

The most exciting moments for the pregnant woman is when shopping for a baby. Imagine when the baby is born already available knick-knacks clothes are cute, cute shoes, a stroller with a soft foam, netting, or a unique baby toys. Hmm ... pleased to welcome the baby.

However, when shopping for baby clothes, you do not have to arbitrarily choose. There are several things you should consider, besides the price of course.

smart tips choosing a baby clothes

Avoid buying baby clothes just because fashion trendy. For infants, prioritizing choose comfortable clothes for him. -Consider carefully before buying materials, sizes, designs and decorations that are biased so not safe for infants.

* Do not buy clothes from synthetic materials like nylon and polyester. Because these materials are not easily absorb sweat. As a result, excessive sweating baby. If the clogged skin pores, sweat would seep into the nearby skin. These conditions lead to prickly heat. We recommend that you select a material made from cotton Because it is easy to absorb perspiration.

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